DO-178C Avionics Certification Course – Rome 14-16 November

AGILE e DO-178: un matrimonio (im)perfetto?

DO-178C Avionics Certification Course

Rome 14-16 November

Are you a Safety-Critical code developer?

Are you the manager of a development team of an aerospace, automotive, medical company?

Do you have a company that would like to debut in the difficult market of certified software?

What you will learn from this course

You will learn from international experts such as Vance Hilderman , one of the main authorities in the DO-178 aerospace certification and Massimo Bombino, who has successfully implemented the most efficient and modern code development methodologies to Safety Critical software, arguments such as to:

  • Be competitive in the Aerospace , Automotive and Medical sectors and open up to new niche markets and high returns
  • Find out if your company is ready to develop critical code and what exactly is missing to get there
  • Easily structure the software development process to meet the most stringent quality standards without sacrificing efficiency and flexibility
  • Implement projects that are delivered on time and costs , respecting the quality expected by the customer and the standard
  • Have important repercussions on the quality and efficiency of the software development of the entire company

Why this course?

Are you interested in understanding from the best specialists in the world how to put these concepts into practice? In a 3-day course that is not theoretical at all but:

  • It is founded exclusively on techniques experimented in decades of experience and evolution
  • It is the result of the experience of hundreds of successful projects , some of which will be shown during the course
  • It is based on modern and efficient development methodologies and processes, without sacrificing quality
  • It explains exactly what is essential and what is useless because it is not required

How to participate


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and we will contact you without obligation to show you how to realize everyone’s IT dream:



La tua azienda sta producendo pessimo software, bruciando prezioso budget in una spirale che presto ti manderà gambe all’aria. Te ne sei già accorto? E cosa stai facendo per evitarlo?
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